
Trainer registration

Fitters Live
Last Updated: 1 year ago

First of all: we recommend using Chrome browser for Fitters!

Even so this process seems compicated, it only takes a little time to finalize and only have to be completed one time. Also please consider that Stripe would require some time to validate your documents.

STEP 1: Sign up for Fitters trainer account here

STEP 2: You will receive e-email confirmation for your account. Please confirm it.

STEP 3. Set up your profile. After your e-mail validation you will be logged in to your profile setup page. Please fill out the form completely.


some hints:

  • Upload your profile logo. This will appear on your profile page. We suggest to use transparent .png logo with white or light font or graphic

  • Fill out your Name section: this will appear in multiple parts of Fitters subpages and menus.

  • Upload a profile picture as well. This picture will appear for your viewers in multiple parts of your profile.

  • You can choose multiple sport categories. This will help users to find you easily so we suggest to mention all sport types you are intented to stream.

  • Intro video is a nice to have: this will help your audience know you better. Your intro video will appear in your Bio subpage.

  • If you hover to the upper part of your profile setup "change cover photo" button will appear. Upload your custom cover photo which will appear in your Bio page.

After all is completed please click on Save profile.

STEP 4. You can know get access to your streamer dashboard page. First go to the upper right corner:

and find your streamer dashboard and then to the Finance submenu.




Click on stripe registration button.

This will navigate you to your Stripe account setup. Stripe will require you to show documents of yourself and your company so please prepare these:

  • Your company incorporation document

  • Your personal ID

You can set up your language in the bottom left corner.

We suggest so save your login data carefully.

STEP 6. - STRIPE registration

Please fill out all data required by stripe to set up your payment gateway. Stripe will help you collect fees and issue automated invoices for your viewers.

6.1. Please fill our general email and phone data

6.2.After setting up your email and phone contact you will arrive to this page:

Please set your country and business form for your company.

6.3. After setting up the origin of your business please fill out detailed information about your company.


Please fill out all lines of your address and VAT number as well! VAT number has to match to the one you set up at your Fitters Finance page.


Hint: we suggest to use at industry section:

  • Personal services: other personal services


  • Entertainment or recreation: other entertainment or recreation


6.4. Set your personal data for your company:


6.5. Adding other executives

Add other directors and executives if this is applicable.

6.6. Confirm business ownership

6.7. Add your bank account to receive payments

6.8. Add details for your customers


6.9. Review and finish

You might see pending verification in your management and ownership details. Don't worry this will be verified later.

If all is correct click on Done and your are finished the first phase of Stripe setup!


7. Verify your stripe email

You should have received an email from Stripe. Please click on Verify.


8. STRIPE - account details setup

Click to Setup tax information button on Dashboard/finance page. It might take some time for Stripe to verify your details. They might require additional informations about you.



8.1. Set up invoicing

If your account is verified your Stripe verification button will change to set tax.

Set your Stripe account to from Test to Test mode off:

Click on More button and then select Tax menu.

Click on Get started and then click Add registration at the bottom right corner.

Select your country:


hint: if you are a small business located in the EU select your country:

If you have a registered EU VAT number then select small seller.

If you are VAT OSS registered (and reached 10.000 EUR cross border sales) then select VAT OSS. Please consult with your accountant which one is applicable for your business.

and then set up the date of your start:



8.2 Set up support address

At the top of support address fill out your business name.

Go to this link and fill our support address which has to be the same as your company registry address:


8.3. Set your VAT number

It's obligatory to show VAT in all invoices.

Go to this link:

- Go to the "Manage tax information" section

- Select your country

- Add your TAX ID (VAT number).

- Then on the 3 dots and set it as Default.

- Click on Save



8.4. (OPTIONAL) Customize your invoice.

You can customize your invoice at More / Invoicing menu.

By clicking Set up your brand you can set custom colors and logos for your invoice.

STEP 9. - Tax number and API key

Go back to your Streamer dashboard / Finance page. Set up your company VAT number. For European companies we require to use EU VAT. Click save changes after you filled out your VAT number. This number has to be the same you set up in your Stripe account.

For Hungarian trainers: please provide your API key (it can be found at your account : on the bottom).

MAKE SURE YOU ENABLE "E-SZÁMLA" and subscribe to

STEP 10. - Set monthly and yearly subscription prices

Go back to your Fitters streamer dashboard page and Finance menu and set your subscription prices and then click Save changes.



If all went well you will be able to start livestreams, upload videos and collect revenues with Fitters!

Go back to your Fitters page and startup uploading your first video, or launch your first livestream!

Check back to your Stripe page to see if other documents are required!

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